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Publications iconKansas Register

Volume 40 - Issue 4 - January 28, 2021

State of Kansas

Department of Administration
Office of Procurement and Contracts

Notice to Bidders

Sealed bids for items listed will be received by the Director of Procurement and Contracts until 2:00 p.m. on the date indicated. For more information, call 785-296-2376:

02/10/2021 EVT0007819 Concrete Low Water Crossing – Syracuse, Kansas
02/12/2021 EVT0007821 Boat Ramp and Parking Lot Improvements
02/15/2021 EVT0007826 Engine Replacements – Cheyenne Bottoms Wildlife Area
02/16/2021 EVT0007752 Suburban
02/16/2021 EVT0007812 Ram 5500 with Bedrock Bench
02/16/2021 EVT0007814 Handicap Accessible Van
02/23/2021 EVT0007811 Well Repair – Galva Site
02/24/2021 EVT0007740 Cabin Cleaning – Crawford State Park
02/24/2021 EVT0007803 QA and MEQC Tool Development
02/24/2021 EVT0007824 Broadcloth Fabric
02/25/2021 EVT0007816 CSS Full Service and Call Center
02/26/2021 EVT0007822 Medicaid Asset Verification Services

The above referenced bid documents can be downloaded at the following website:

Additional files may be located at the following website (please monitor this website on a regular basis for any changes/addenda):

02/24/2021 A-014213 KSU: Carl R. Ice School of Engineering 3099 BME Lab Renovation

Information regarding prequalification, projects, and bid documents can be obtained at 785-296-8899 or

Richard Beattie, Director
Office of Procurement and Contracts

Doc. No. 048811